imagine a picture of me and rachel eating the remains of fresh brownie batter with a background of chips, queso, chili, and friends. that's just a sample of the party we threw on sunday night... a non-superbowl superbowl party.
in the covenant that the 14 of us decided upon at the beginning of the program we chose to abstain from many things. for the purpose of community, discipline, and being good stewards of our time we are not watching TV while we are at the Forge. this includes national championships, the new season of Lost, and the Superbowl.
bummer. well, we decided to make the best of it and throw our own party. if the rest of the country is getting together and enjoying parties, why shouldn't we?! so we did. it had all the trappings of a normal superbowl party. just subtract the TV and add boardgames. it was worth it to spend the quality time with each other.
... so, i'm sorry to say i don't have the picture with me for the update. if i were to wait until i get the picture it might be a while, so a post without a picture is better than none at all... :)