well, we're back from the break and it's been really good to all be together again. it's amazing how close you can get to 13 other people and miss being with each other all the time. we're also realizing how much we still have to learn about each other... we still have a long way to grow in areas of truly loving and trusting. we're all good at doing things on our own and not allowing ourselves to be vulnerable enough to need help. i'm definitely at the top of that list.
it's neat to see little moments when priorities line up. one night we were all finishing up papers that were due the next day. so much of me wanted to kick into task mode and not leave time for the people around me. it took a quick self-check to realize that the paper would still get done well even if i took the chance to play with my girls. we set out on a mission to bless the guys.
thanks to jane and her endless supply of winter accessories we had fun bundling up. with hot chocolate and pop corn in hand we set off to the house next door singing "we wish you a happy paper."
the little break was worth it. it's so good for me to remember that the work i do is not for the approval of my teachers, but for my benefit that ultimately equips me to have a positive impact on the kingdom of God. how privileged am i to have these opportunities!